No one can figure out how the heck I ended up with nasal cancer. My pet parents think it might be because I am a "super sniffer" My diet has been really good quality, my water purifed; I don't live on a high traffic street, my pet parents don't use pest or lawn chemicals, and nobody smokes! Nasal cancer is actually rare with only 1-2% of canine cancer being in that category.
Over the past 2 weeks I've been to see 3 different veterinary oncologists so my pet parents could learn more about my treatment options. So far we've learned about definitive radiation (18 sessions over a 3 1/2 wk period that should keep me alive for one year), palliative radiation 4 or 5 sessions at once a week just to make me more comfortable but will only give me about 5 months, chemotherapy that may keep me more comfortable but will give me the same time, and, finally, the CyberKnife, a specialized form of radiation that might keep the cancer at bay for up to 4 years. All these options are scary, but without treatment, I may only have 2 months left to live.
I'm definitely NOT ready to say good-bye to my loving family and would love to beat this disease, or atleast keep it under control until I am good and OLD and ready to go on my own time! The CyberKnife seems to be the best option.